
Showing posts from December, 2022

We do not love the Lord!

How many times do we find ourselves having little time to serve the Lord, whether it is through tithing, prayer or ushering? We often complain that the Lord demands too much of our time when we serve in church as musicians and look at our watches when the preacher preach a little too long for our liking. We hardly spent time on personal worship or prayer or bible study. Instead, we spent our time on watching televisions, playing games and reading secular books. We spent so more time on doing our own stuffs than we spent with the Lord or serving God. Do we not understand that doing these things is merely a chasing after the wind? Ecclesiastes 1:13-14 13  And I applied my heart to seek and to search out by wisdom all that is done under heaven. It is an unhappy business that God has given to the children of man to be busy with.  14  I have seen everything that is done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a striving after wind. Yet, we still t...

Train your childen to be unafraid of the devil!

In Singapore, boys in general are not afraid of cockroaches while girls are usually afraid of cockroaches. This is due to the upbringing of the boys and girls in Singapore. From young, boys are encouraged to kill cockroaches when they see them and are therefore socially conditioned to be not afraid of cockroaches. Girls, on the other hand, are expected to scream when they see cockroaches and therefore become socially conditioned to fear cockroaches. Why do I talk about this gender differences in reactions to cockroaches in Singapore?  Well, I have a reason. I want to compare the fear of cockroaches to the fear of devil and evil spirits in the Christian world today. Today, the devil is often seen as more powerful than he really is, due to social conditioning. Media often portray the devil as powerful and therefore from young, Christians are conditioned to fear the devil, much like how the girls in Singapore are conditioned to be afraid of the cockroaches.  If, one the other han...

Are you your brother's keeper?

There was this sister in Christ in my church who I will refer to as J. Sister J was a humble person, who served as an usher in my church. When I first became a Christian, Sister J was the only one who bother to befriend me. She was also friendly to all new-comers in church. She would also do the job which no one like to do, for the church, such as clearing up the vomits that would come after a deliverance session.  However, she had one flaw. She was too frank with her words and as a result, not many people in the church like her. She told me that it was God who promoted the people, and therefore God promoted her to be a leader in the usher ministry. One day, sister J stopped coming to the church and the pastor told me to forget about her. I couldn’t forget about her, though. She was my friend and she was such a humble sister. Why did she stop coming to church? I contacted sister J, contrary to the wishes of my pastor. She told me not to contact her anymore as she no longer believed...

You are a horrible man/woman in God's eyes!

When compared to the sins of someone like Saddam Hussein, your sins might seem small in your own eyes. You might think to yourself, I am really a nice guy/gal. You might think your life is pretty okay and most likely you will make it to heaven. After all, you never steal, never commit murder and is faithful to your spouse. Dear friend, when a child rapist compares himself or herself to someone like Hitler or Saddam Hussein, he will think of himself as a nice guy. But, is he really nice? Anyone will tell you a child rapist is a horrible man. Yet, compared to someone like Hitler or Saddam Hussein, he will seem a saint in his own eyes. It is the same for yourself. When you compare your morality with a child rapist, you might think of yourself as a nice guy/gal. But what if you compare yourself with the holiness of God? God, who is perfectly righteous and holy consider telling a lie a terrible sin. Do you ever tell a lie? If you do, that takes away any nice guy/gal image you may think to p...

God loves you, His black sheep!

 When trials and testings came, sometimes, we may not turn up to be the people we had once hoped we were. Instead of being His faithful servants and obedient sons and daughters, we became like cowards and worldly people, who bowed to the pressures of the world. This is written to encourage all of you, my obedient brothers and sisters in Christ who had tried your best to please Him, but found to your dismay, that you were still very selfish and worldly deep inside you, to remember not to turn away from Him in shame for your repeated defeats, again and again, but to remember He loves you and to hold on tightly to His hands, trusting in His love and forgiveness for you and even more, remembering that for Him, you, His precious child, is more important to Him than all the fames and glories you can ever bring to Him. He died on the cross for you. He is not afraid of being shamed, being mocked, being treated like a dirt because to Him, you, His precious child, is so much more important. ...

Prayers are worth more than gold!

Many people today want parents to give them tangible goods like cars, motorcycles, handphones, computers, ipads etc. They think their parents love them only when they give them such material goodness. Yet, how many today appreciate the prayers of their parents. Even in Christian circles, few people today value the prayers of a godly father or mother. Why is that the case? This is because the result of prayers is often unknown. And even when prayer works, most people do not link it to prayer but to their own efforts. Take for instance a prayer for healing. When someone pray for a person to be healed, and the person is healed because he or she goes for surgery, he or she does not know whether the result of his or her successful operation is due to the skills or the surgeon or the prayers of a Christian. The result of prayers can often be unseen and therefore, most people today do not value prayers. When someone offers to pray for you, will you be as excited as compared to someone who off...

Will you be God's history maker?

History-makers for the Lord are usually men with lowly background who God uses mightily, rather than men who have everything but a heart for God. Look at D.L Moody. He is not very educated. John Bunyan is just a man of lowly background, yet his book is now used by the Lord as a classic for literature. Smith Wigglesworth is just an illiterate person, and yet, the Lord uses him to do miracles. Peter, James and John are just fishermen. And David is but a shepherd. Mary is just a nobody teenage girl when the Lord chooses to use her to be the mother of Jesus. Unlike men, God looks at the heart. If you have a heart for Jesus, God will use you, even if you are the lowest of the scrum of the world, and the most notorious person with the worst reputation. Matthew is a tax-collector. His original name is Levi. His parents may have originally wanted him to be a Levite. In any case, he is a black sheep for the family, but the Lord uses him. History is full of examples of men and women with a heart...

The Christian God is a forgiving God!

The Christian God is a forgiving God. He is so forgiving that an evil man can repent even on his death bed. It does not matter what crime the evil man might have committed during his earthly life. The evil man might kill millions of people. The evil man might have raped women and abused children. The evil man might be the most evil person on earth. Yet, if on his death bed, he repented of his sins and asked Jesus into his life to be his savior, the Christian God will forgive him of all the evil he had done during his life. That is just how forgiving the Christian God can be. This forgiveness of the Christian God, that is so unlimited in its depth, is a stumbling block for many people. Many people cannot accept the depth of God's forgiveness. They think that God is unjust to let a truly evil man escape his punishment simply because the evil man repents of his sins at the very last minute. These people think that the evil person ought to be punished for his sins and does not deserve ...

My Testimony

I was not born into a Christian family. I was born on 7th March 1983 into a Taoist family. Yet, from a young age, I knew there was a God. I knew because when I read about the space and all its planet, it awed me. It told me that this wonderful creation could not be by chance. (Romans 1:20-21) I believe there is a God, and that He must be a big God in order to create such a wonderful universe, but I did not know where He is from. Not knowing where He came from, I often prayed to what I called, the unknown God. My heart hungered for Him and to know who He is, where He is from, what He wants from me and why He makes me. (Ecclesiastes 3:11) At the age of 11, my aunt invited me to church. The skit was on the birth of Jesus, and somehow, that skit resonated with my heart and gave me a warm feeling although I had no idea who Jesus is. During my secondary school days, I was extremely rebellious. I disobeyed my parents and prayed to Satan, although I still somehow believe in my unknown God. (Ro...