We do not love the Lord!

How many times do we find ourselves having little time to serve the Lord, whether it is through tithing, prayer or ushering? We often complain that the Lord demands too much of our time when we serve in church as musicians and look at our watches when the preacher preach a little too long for our liking. We hardly spent time on personal worship or prayer or bible study.

Instead, we spent our time on watching televisions, playing games and reading secular books. We spent so more time on doing our own stuffs than we spent with the Lord or serving God.

Do we not understand that doing these things is merely a chasing after the wind?

Ecclesiastes 1:13-14

13 And I applied my heart to seek and to search out by wisdom all that is done under heaven. It is an unhappy business that God has given to the children of man to be busy with. 14 I have seen everything that is done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a striving after wind.

Yet, we still think so highly of ourselves as Christians and think if ever we are persecuted for the Lord, we will not betray Him as we truly love the Lord! Do we truly love Him?

Why are we not spending more time with Him, then? The Lord commanded us to tithe. Why are we spending our money on the things we like instead of tithing to God?  (Leviticus 27:30) The Lord wants us to use our talents and abilities for fellow believers. (1 Peter 4:10–11) Why are we using our talents and abilities on making money and other things than serving the church. How many of us actively volunteer in church services? You cannot serve both God and money at the same time. (Matthew 6:24) Don’t deceive yourselves that you love God when you spend more time on earning an income for yourself than serving God. God wants us to look after the needs of the helpless and oppressed. (Proverbs 31:8-9) Are we doing that? If so, why are we not taking an active stand against abortions and giving more of our money to the poor? God is against homosexuality. (Leviticus 20:13) Are we taking an active stand against it? If we truly love the Lord and will be willing to be persecuted for the Lord’s sake, why are we silent over the abortion and homosexuality issue? Why are we hiding in our own little Christian corner instead of confronting the world for its wickedness? Why don’t we speak out more against evil? Is it a wonder society is losing their sense of right and wrong, and having no fear of God? God commanded us to share the gospel with all creation. Have we done that?

If not, it is time to repent and admit that we do not truly love the Lord! God promises to make us whiter than snow if we confess our sins to Him. (Psalm 51:9) The thing is, we must admit that we sin and confess. Then, we need to slowly take steps to love Him more. Start by spending more time with Him reading the bible or praying. Then, slowly, one step at a time, do the other things!

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