Be a friend of the Holy Spirit!

 Do you seek the gifts of the Holy Spirit or do you seek to be His friend?

The Holy Spirit is a person and not just a power or force that we seek to improve our Christian ministry. Too often, we seek the gifts of the Holy Spirit and do not seek to develop a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Like the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit is a person and seeks to develop a relationship with us. He wants our love and adorations, too,

We need to see the Holy Spirit as a person and cultivate a relationship with Him, like we did with the Father and the Son. We need to remember to talk to the Holy Spirit and love Him, and not just want the gifts that He can give to us. After all, when you give gifts to your children, do you want them to love your gifts or you? You want them to love you, and not your gifts, don't you? It is the same with the Holy Spirit. He is a person, the third person of the Trinity, and like the Father and the Son, wants us to love and adore and worship Him, too.

Therefore, do not seek ONLY after the gifts of Holy Spirit, like the gift of tongues, healings, prophecies and miraccles. Rather, seek to be His friend, His best friend. Talk to Him daily just like you will the Father and the Son, and you will discover that He is someone who is worthy to be your friend!

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